A trust allows you to provide for others, and all trusts are managed by an individual known as a trustee. It is important to select an appropriate and responsible trustee to ensure your intent is carried out and that your loved ones and other beneficiaries are cared for. Here are some important things to keep in mind when you select a trustee.
A trustee must act according to the duty of loyalty and good faith. In layman’s terms, this means that the trustee has the duty to administer the trust in good faith and act reasonably when they invest property. Trustees must manage the trust solely for the best interests of the beneficiaries. Trustees cannot “self-deal,” such as buying or borrowing trust assets.
investment , the trustee may delegate this responsibility to a financial advisor as that is what is in the best interests of the trust and its beneficiaries. The trustee must supervise all delegated responsibilities to ensure oversight exists. Further, the trustee must ensure that trust assets are diversified and productive, and must also ensure that the interests of present and future beneficiaries are balanced. Types of duties trustees cannot delegate include critical functions of the trust, like accounting for and distributing trust assets as appropriate.
interest, but also the interest of your beneficiaries. They should also be someone who has experience managing trusts, given the management of trusts can involve a complicated mix of managing financial assets and determining when and to whom to distribute assets.
set up and managed properly. Contact Unique Estate Law to learn more about your options. Chris Tymchuk specializes in trusts and will work to ensure your trust is appropriately set up and managed, and can also help you select an appropriate trustee.